Where can I find more information about this product?

The technical specification for the product and any technical documents such as datasheets can found under the “product details” tab. Further product information can be found under the “product information” tab. If you are still unable to find the product information you require, please call our dedicated customer services team on +44 (0) 1254 694733


This product isn’t quite what I want. How can I see products similar to this?

You can find products within the same range under the “similar products” tab. You can remove product attributes and refresh your search results.  Simply visit the “product details” tab and deselect the product filters in the ‘Specifications’ section.


How do I return products I’ve bought online?

Please log in and go to ‘My Account’. Click ‘My Orders’ and select the order you would like to return. Click the “return a product or order” button and complete the form.